Decaver by Vermodje is one of the most popular anabolic steroids on the international pharmaceutical market. The active substance is Nandrolone Decanoate. Its qualities are very similar to the qualities of testosterone, but it has a number of advantages over testosterone. Although the price of Nandrolone Decanoate is slightly higher than testosterone, it still has a relatively low price. The popularity of the drug is mainly due to its high efficiency, the drug has a high anabolic and reduced androgenic coefficient. A low androgenic index suggests a low probability of side effects. The use of Deca will allow you to gain “pure” muscle mass in a relatively short time with minimal fluid retention in the tissues.
Methods of application and reviews
The composition of this product contains two related components, Nandrolone and the complex oil ester Decanoate, which prolongs the half-life of the steroid to two weeks. This means that you should not wait for quick results from taking Deca, noticeable effects will begin to appear no earlier than two weeks of the course. If your goal is to gain muscle mass and increase strength indicators, Nandrolone Decanoate will be the best solution in this regard. It is used only in long-term courses for weight gain. An important point of Deca is its duration of effect, the drug takes its action in the blood slowly but its effect also lasts for a long time after. Athletes often respond that the rapid weight gain continues for some time after the end of the course.
The most effective dosage of the drug is from 250 to 500 mg per week. However, some athletes take individually prescribed doses, depending on physical fitness and other individual characteristics of the body. Mid-level athletes should not exceed the regulatory dosage range, Nandrolone Decanoate cannot aromatize into estrogen, but it belongs to progestogen active AAS, which is no less dangerous.
On average, the dosage of the drug is 3mg per kilogram of body weight per week. If you exceed this dose, you risk getting a lot of undesirable side reactions. Athletes who have no experience with taking steroids are recommended to use no more than 200mg of Nandrolone Decanoate per week for 5-8 weeks, depending on physical characteristics. This dosage is quite enough to achieve good results without side effects.
Combined courses of Nandrolone Decanoate
Deca is a very effective drug for gaining muscle mass, and even in solo use it gives very good results. Nevertheless, it is able to work even better in combination with other anabolics.
By the end of the course, it is recommended to start taking Clenbuterol in order to consolidate the already gained muscle mass and remove excess water from the body. Clenbuterol is a very good anti-catabolic, which helps to minimize the rollback after the course. In addition, this combination helps to make the muscles more prominent and elastic.
In addition, the drug is combined with Testosterone, Turinabol and Trenbolone Acetate. Such combinations accelerate the gain of muscle mass. The basic course is a combination of Deca with Dianabol, mixed together, these two steroids give incredible results! This course is recommended in the period of weight gain for athletes of various training.
Also, an effective and quite popular combination is a combination of Nandrolone Decanoate with Winstrol.
Side effects
Nandrolone Decanoate is a relatively safe drug for gaining muscle mass. The drug does not affect liver enzymes and heart function. Even if during the course you have any signs of negative action, most likely they will be short-term and insignificant. Often the appearance of side effects is associated with exceeding the permissible dosage. If the normal dosages are exceeded, the following symptoms may occur:
– Hypertension
– Headaches
– Abdominal pain
– Increased nervous excitability
– Increase in the fat layer
– Gynecomastia
– Inhibition of the synthesis of the body’s own testosterone
– Decreased libido
Judging by the reviews of our customers, the drug causes a minimum of side effects, the most frequent of which are sexual depression and gynecomastia, which, however, can be easily eliminated with the help of prolactin inhibitors (for example, Cabergoline and Bromocriptine). A high level of prolactin can also be normalized by any kind of anti-estrogens. When taking Clomid during the course, you will protect yourself from the undesirable effects of Nandrolone Decanoate on the body.
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